Thursday, December 20, 2007

We've made the papers again!

There has been a lot of local media coverage of the uranium issue in the past week. The Haliburton County Echo contains two articles written by Matt James: one is about Bancroft Uranium's Monmouth Uranium Project and the other is about us. Pick up a copy of the Echo (December 18, 2007, Vol 124 No. 51) and check it out. In addition, the current issue of The Highlands Courier (Dec. 7 - Jan. 8) contains a number of articles regarding the uranium exploration activity happening east of us in Frontenac County.

We have spoken with a lab in Kingston who will test our water for roughly $15 per sample. We should have all the details finalized shortly after the Christmas holiday.

Thanks to everyone who has shown their support.

Happy Holidays!

Robin and Christine

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